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So, what is emotional eating anyway?

Let's talk about emotional eating.

Some of you may experience this as a struggle, some not. But, I'd bet to say each and every one of us has experienced emotional eating on some level.

What is emotional eating anyway?

It’s defined as consuming food not because we are biologically hungry, but because we’re using foods to regulate our emotions or soothe our emotional needs.

The act of using food to soothe our emotional needs definitely leads to temporary relief and an immediate release of the feel-good hormones.

But for some of us, it will soon bring in guilt, shame, and self-judgment and often leaves us full and heavy.

And then before we know it, it’s a habit and we cannot seem to break it, get it under control, or stop it.

Then we find ourselves “fighting” with this habit. We hate the habit. We hate ourselves. We hate food.

Basically, we are self-attacking. And if self-attacking worked, it would've worked long ago.

What if instead we see this habit as wisdom? What is the hidden wisdom behind the habit of emotional eating?

Let’s talk about some of the wisdom behind emotional eating.

1. It brings us from a stressed state (sympathetic or fight/flight) into a relaxed state (para-sympathetic or rest and relax).

It only becomes a problem when we start judging, shaming, and guilting ourselves about it. Once we do this, we are back into the fight or flight and we need some soothing and regulating again. So, what do we do, EAT MORE.

We give the unwanted pattern more power and momentum.

2. This habit of emotional eating is revealing to us the part within us whose needs are not being met.

Emotional eating is about instant gratification. We want to feel good, right now. Period.

This is the child’s mind within us, who cannot see future consequences.

We all have this child’s mind, who simply doesn’t want to hear, “no, you can’t have that.”

You may also have an inner rebel that says, "I don't want to follow that diet."

So, it’s our job to step in and determine when it’s a good time to soothe with food and when it might be a better time to pull out our “other soothing options” list.

This is the adult mind within us that can help make another decision that is helpful and not destructive.

Emotional eating is about managing that part of us that wants immediate gratification or freedom.

3. What is the positive message behind the emotional eating habit that we’ve adopted?

Why is this showing up in my life?

It really could be a myriad of different answers that has nothing to do with your body, weight, or eating habits.

It could be something like:

  • It could be asking us to communicate better with loved ones.

  • Asking us to see where in our lives we are not speaking our truth

  • Asking us to make an important life change

  • It could be showing us a certain relationship needs some TLC

  • It could be showing us to stop putting things off, to allow more love and connection into our lives, let go of disappointments, grieving hurts, and loss of loved ones

Every unwanted habit is asking us to get real with ourselves and ask questions…

What is this habit trying to teach me?

If you are realizing that you have this habit and it seems unmanageable…

And, you are tired of DIYing your journey…

Reach out to me, I can help you.

I'm on this journey with you.

XO Deana

A once-trained Division I athlete, and police officer, now turned trained certified nutritionist, health/life coach, and personal trainer. I am a master-in-training for being the space for myself to learn and grow and know the absolute truth of who I am. I am whole, healthy, abundant, love, and free…so are you. I forget this sometimes and that’s perfectly okay. I get to remember and forget and remember…for the rest of my life.



Sleep is essential to our health and healing. A lot happens in our bodies when we sleep. If you struggle with sleep, ask yourself, "how could I set my environment up to get better sleep?"

  • Turn off the computer or phone at least 1 hour before bed.

  • Take a hot shower, bath, read, or listen to calming music before bed.

  • Go to bed around the same time each night.

  • Stop water intake around 2 hours before bed.

  • Put lavender oil in your bath, on your forehead or spray on pillow.

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